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How to Put Account Insights Into Action ft. A Sneak Peek at the Next Generation of Uberflip! [Webinar]

Buyers have come to expect an empowered buying process like they’ve come to know in their consumer lives.

And marketing programs need to shift away from purely focusing on conversion back to creating the awareness that can be converted to begin with.

All of that is what’s driving a shift away from many traditional marketing efforts, towards something that some are now calling signal-based marketing. We here at Uberflip are evolving to make this easier.

In this webinar you'll learn how to: 

  • Pull account insights from Uberflip Analytics
  • Set up an ABM campaign using those account insights
  • Use account engagement data to inform your sales outreach
  • Track and monitor account activity from your campaign

Implement this process using the playbook: Use account insights to run a campaign