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Welcome to the Uberflip Academy!

Welcome to the Uberflip Academy! We're so excited to have you join our family and growing community of passionate experience-focused marketers.

Our Uberflip Transformation onboarding series will walk you though our Content Experience Framework, which is designed to teach you how to deliver truly meaningful content experiences at scale.

Here’s a taste of what you can expect to see in each stage.

Getting Started: This is your introduction to the Content Experience Framework! You’ll learn just what exactly this “content experience” we’ve been talking so much about means, how to create custom domain and SSL certificates, how to set up users and user groups in Uberflip, and how to integrate your marketing automation platform.  

Centralize Content: Uberflip allows you to pull all your content together into one central location to be easily accessed and managed. In this stage, you’ll learn how to create a blog Stream, how to upload PDFs into your Hub as interactive Flipbooks, how to create RSS feeds, how to create Facebook and Twitter Streams, and how to add a video Stream.

Organize Content: It’s important to organize your content in a way that will make it easy for your readers to find what they’re looking for. The best way to start is by performing an audit of all your content. After doing so, in this stage, you’ll learn how to create Marketing Streams, how to tag your content, how to create calls-to-action, and how Uberflip AI can help you deliver better content recommendations.

Personalize Experiences: Personalized content experience help to power all of your marketing strategies, and allow your prospects to accelerate their journey. In this stage, you’ll learn how to personalize your Sales and Marketing Streams using templates, how to create a nurture campaign in your Hub, how to use Streams and the Uberflip email extension to empower your sales team, how to develop an ABM strategy, and how to use Uberflip for inbound marketing.

Distribute Content: Once you’ve started creating personalized content, you need to make sure you’re distributing it to effectively engage and nurture prospects at every stage of the buyer journey. In this stage, you’ll learn how to use Uberflip’s Site Engager, how to connect Uberflip’s Chrome and Outlook extensions, how to embed Hub tiles into emails and websites, and some best practices along the way.

Generate Results: Creating personalized content experiences will lead to more engagement and time on site, earning you better leads. In this stage, you’ll learn how to get actionable insights into what is and isn’t working, how to review your metrics and reports, and how to use your integrated marketing automation platforms effectively. We want to arm you with the knowledge and tools that will generate the best results possible!

Next Steps: In the final stage of your Uberflip Transformation series, you’ll be introduced to some valuable resources such as our Hub of Hubs and the A-List. After completing this onboarding series, we’re confident you’ll be fully ready (and excited!) to start creating personalized content experiences for any stage of the buyer journey, at scale. So let’s get to it!

And remember, we’re always here for you! If you have any questions before you get started, or would like to get in touch with us at any point, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager! You can find us at