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Customer FAQ

  1. Who is PathFactory?

PathFactory is the leading content intelligence and personalization platform that enables B2B marketers to provide a better buying experience by delivering the right content, to the right buyer, at the right time. With PathFactory, go-to-market teams access the industry's deepest and most-detailed content engagement analytics to track buyer and content engagement throughout the entire buyer journey.

Recognized as the 2023 Top-Rated Content Marketing Software by TrustRadius, a 2023 Content Experience Leader by G2, and a Cool Vendor in Technology Marketing by Gartner, PathFactory is trusted by B2B marketers, large and small, to deliver the highly-personalized content experiences modern B2B buyers expect.

  1. Who owns PathFactory? 

Vertu Capital is the majority owner, and has been since November 2021. Vertu Capital's investment in PathFactory has helped the company scale, expand sales and marketing, and invest in data science and engineering.

  1. Why Uberflip and PathFactory?

Uberflip is a pioneer in digital content experiences that enable marketers to deliver personalized engagement across a variety of use cases: inbound marketing, demand/lead generation, ABM, event marketing, and sales/customer enablement. Uberflip maintains a strong list of customers, including you, who trust Uberflip to help them deliver on their marketing initiatives.

PathFactory shares similar values, focused on customer centricity, marketing technology expertise, and a passion for helping the new generation of B2B marketers succeed in the new digital economy. Over the last two years, PathFactory has also created an innovative platform that delivers hyper-personalized content experiences, robust content intelligence analytics, and a generative AI capability that meets the needs of today’s modern buyers. 

This acquisition is designed to combine two market leaders to help B2B marketers create better buying experiences and stop guessing about what content is working. The acquisition improves PathFactory’s competitive position and ability to deliver accelerated value to the market. It also adds the knowledge and expertise of Uberflip employees as well as the equity of Uberflip’s brand. Put simply, the two companies are stronger together and will be in a better position to fund product innovation and growth initiatives for all customers, and capture the market more broadly. All Uberflip customers will be welcomed into PathFactory’s existing strong community of like-minded innovators. 

  1. What are the main benefits to me? Why do I care?

Over the last 2 years, PathFactory has created a state-of-the-art platform that delivers:

  1. Robust Content Analytics - With the industry’s most-detailed content data, you have access to intelligent insights that will help you tie your marketing activities to revenue. 

  2. Personalization At Scale - PathFactory’s hyper-personalized content experiences allow you to personalize content experiences that resonate with each individual buyer's unique needs and preferences.

  3. AI + Automation - Leveraging generative AI to deliver self-guided buyer journeys and automation for content tagging, analysis and recommendations, you can streamline and enhance the precision of your marketing efforts.

With these additional capabilities, Uberflip customers can collect and analyze data from both known contacts and anonymous visitors, creating a more comprehensive view of audience engagement. Customers will be able to better visualize and understand the entire customer content journey, with first- and third-party intent data and buyer intelligence, to better demonstrate marketing ROI. 

  1. What solutions do they offer? 

PathFactory offers the same capabilities as Uberflip, including the ability to organize and curate content, create content streams & collections, as well as, design and create personalized pages and content destinations for resource centers, ABM campaigns, events, and demand generation campaigns. It also provides the same advanced analytics for measuring content performance, as well as integrations to first- and third-party data sources like marketing automation platforms and intent platforms. In addition to all of these similar capabilities, PathFactory has a sophisticated artificial intelligence platform that enables intelligent automation of tagging, recommendations, page creation and much more. There are three major areas of innovation in the PathFactory platform that will greatly benefit Uberflip customers. They are:

  • Content Intelligence Analytics 

    • Deep content engagement metrics - Gain unparalleled insights into how your audience interacts with your content, driving data-informed decisions.

    • Connect content to pipeline - Directly correlate content performance with revenue outcomes, showcasing the tangible impact of your content marketing efforts.

    • Customer content journey tracking - Visualize and understand the entire customer content journey, delivering more relevant and timely content.

    • First- and third-party intent data & buyer intelligence - Leverage comprehensive intent data to gain deeper insights into buyer behavior and intent, informing more precise marketing tactics.

    • Anonymous + known visitor data - Collect and analyze data from both known contacts and anonymous visitors, creating a comprehensive view of audience engagement.

  • Personalization

    • Cohort-level content experiences - Deliver tailored content experiences to specific audience segments, enhancing relevance and engagement.

    • Account-level content experiences - Create personalized content journeys for individual accounts, driving deeper engagement with key targets.

    • Buying group content experiences - Target entire buying groups with content experiences that address their collective needs and pain points.

    • Individual-level content experiences - Offer a one-to-one content personalization experience, ensuring each user receives the most relevant content.

  • AI + Automation

    • Al content recommendation engine - Automatically recommend the most relevant content to each user, enhancing their journey and engagement.

    • GenAl automation and content experiences - Harness the power of generative AI to automate content creation and personalization at scale.

    • Al-enabled content operations - Streamline content operations with AI, reducing manual efforts and increasing operational efficiency.

  1. What are the advantages of migrating from Uberflip products to PathFactory?

Many. PathFactory has many of the advanced AI and analytics capabilities that Uberflip had roadmapped as “Next Gen” available today. For example, PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence allows you to finally correlate content with its impact on revenue and pipeline. ChatFactory, just launched last month, is a self-service, generative AI powered “buyer studio” that truly puts the buyer in control. PathFactory also has pre-built integrations to core elements of your marketing stack like MAP, Intent, CMS / DAM and CRM. PathFactory’s pricing is wholly platform-based (vs. consumption) and very predictable for customers. Your account team is ready to brief you on PathFactory capabilities and build a migration plan that best fits your needs.

  1. What are the key differences between Uberflip and PathFactory?

  • Enhanced Capabilities: You can unlock deeper content insights, leverage the platform for broader marketing initiatives, and align content to revenue. With content intelligence fueled by generative AI, gain access to known and unknown buyer insights and 360-degree account intent data. With these insights, B2B revenue teams can better track preferences, intent in accounts and buying groups, and ultimately increase engagement and conversions. Plus, with AI-driven personalization at scale, powered by PathFactory, you can drive better buyer journeys that eliminate friction and close faster.

  •  Uberflip customers can also gain access to PathFactory’s latest differentiated features:

    • AI: Content recommendation engine, dynamic personalization.

    • ChatFactory: Enable buyers to take control of their own personalization journey, via GenAI-powered personalized microsites that are instantly auto-generated, based on the buyers’ questions, focus areas and assets they bookmark.

    • Analytics: Unique content and buyer intelligence (PFRI).

    • Integrations: DXP, MAP, Intent, and CRM.

  1. I wish to migrate immediately. What is the process, timing, level of effort? 

During the course of normal competitive activity, PathFactory has developed a migration process for Uberflip customers to their platform. For those that wish to move immediately, the PathFactory services team will assess your use case, business requirements and provide a full migration plan.

This process will continue to evolve and be refined to accommodate all Uberflip customers who wish to take advantage of the PathFactory platform. Migration can happen as quickly as 30 days.

  1. Will I lose any capability with PathFactory? 

As with all software vendors, there will be some capabilities that may not 100% align. The teams are performing a detailed assessment of where there may be differences. 

With that said, PathFactory is committed to ensuring Uberflip customers will not lose their ability to execute marketing use cases that drive business outcomes.

  1. Will there still be investment in the Uberflip platform? 

Yes. We will continue to support and maintain the Uberflip platform with bug fixes and other basic maintenance during the transition period where Uberflip customers can migrate at their own pace. We will not be investing in any new innovation on the Uberflip platform. All innovation investments will be directed towards the PathFactory product suite. 

  1. Is the Uberflip platform going away? Do we have to migrate? 

There will be no immediate changes. Keep using the Uberflip products you trust, and maintain continuity with your current processes. 

We are dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition. As PathFactory has overlapping capabilities with Uberflip, we can easily meet you where you’re at and enable you to migrate at your own pace. There is currently no timeline to eliminate the Uberflip product set; however, a migration plan is being created for those Uberflip customers who wish to take advantage of PathFactory’s state-of-the-art platform. 

  1. What about Uberflip NextGen? 

All current Uberflip capabilities known as “NextGen” will be available on the Uberflip platform for the foreseeable future. PathFactory has also innovated over the last 12-18 months with a capability set that delivers stronger personalization capabilities and content intelligence consistent with the Uberflip vision. In addition, PathFactory accelerates your access to AI capabilities with the recent ChatFactory product launch. 

  1. Will my account team / CSM change? 

No. All Uberflip Account Directors, Customer Success Managers, Customer Support and Technical Account Managers have been retained and are part of the combined company. Uberflip customers should see no change or service interruption.

  1. Is my contract still valid? Will I be able to renew with my Uberflip products?

All Uberflip customers' current contracts are valid and service terms will be honored. Upon renewal, an updated services agreement may be introduced to reflect PathFactory’s terms.  The Uberflip legal entity will remain for the foreseeable future. 

In addition, there is currently no timeline to eliminate the Uberflip product set; however, a migration plan is being created for those Uberflip customers who wish to take advantage of PathFactory’s state-of-the-art platform.

  1. Will my fees for Uberflip change?

You will have the option to renew your Uberflip products under your current Uberflip agreement. You will also have the option to migrate to PathFactory before, upon, or after renewal—whenever it makes sense for you. Your account team is ready to brief you on PathFactory’s AI, Analytics and other advanced features and build a customer migration plan for you.

  1. Can I use Uberflip and PathFactory services at the same time?

Absolutely! Your account team can assess your specific needs and recommend the right combination of solutions to accomplish your goals. 

  1. Can I use ChatFactory with UberFlip?

No, ChatFactory only works with the PathFactory platform and you will need to migrate from Uberflip in order to use it. 

Note: ChatFactory is a separate SKU and can be licensed for a fee by PathFactory customers and Uberflip customers who migrate to PathFactory.

  1. Will I be responsible for migrating over all my content and pages?

No. When you are ready to migrate, the PathFactory services team will provide you a migration plan that will move your content and content experiences to the new platform. 

  1. I have invested a lot into my resource center, how will that work in PathFactory?

PathFactory has experience with migrating Uberflip Resource Centers. Your account team can share those examples, arrange a demonstration of the PathFactory resource center solution, and discuss the process to migrate. 

  1. What will happen to the Uberflip name, will it change to PathFactory?

No, not immediately, Uberflip is now “A PathFactory Company” and will do business as such for the foreseeable future. The Uberflip legal entity will remain for the foreseeable future.

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