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Step 4: Apply a call-to-action

Your campaign objective helps inform what type of call to action you want to apply to your page.

If you are looking to collect visitor information, by asking them to subscribe to a newsletter, get access to a high-value asset, or register for a webinar as a few examples, you’ll want to use a form call-to-action on your page.

Insert a pre-created form CTA

Pull in a form from your pre-created form CTAs. Uberflip integrates with your Marketing Automation Platform so all data collected in your form CTA is passed to your MAP for further engagement.

Style and placement of your form CTA

Once the form is inserted into the page, styling can be done to suit your brand.

Depending on the campaign objective and call-to-action, placement can be anywhere on the page. For example, event registration forms may be placed higher on the page, whereas newsletter subscription might fall below other content.

Insert buttons and hyperlinked images

Finally, drive visitors to another relevant content page, page on your website, or third party page, by adding buttons and hyperlinking images.

Now that we have a completed page, we’re ready to move on to step five - publish, share, and track.