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Step 5: Publish, share, and track

It’s showtime! You’re ready to publish your page.

Preview your page

At any time before you publish you can preview your page by clicking on the preview button. Share a preview with your team to get their feedback before you launch.

Publish your page    

When you’re ready to publish, choose your domain and make any updates to the URL slug. Decide if you want it to be hidden or found via search engines and then click publish to domain.

Your page is now live!

Share your page

You can now view your live page and copy the URL for sharing. Whether you’re linking this page on your website, a social channel, an email, or anywhere else, you’re ready to engage your audience. 

Track your page

Understand how your audience is engaging by monitoring performance in Uberflip Analytics.
Track visitors activity as they engage with your page and use the data to inform campaign optimization efforts.

Now that you have the groundwork laid, it’s time to duplicate this page for other audiences.