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Using Uberflip Analytics to Measure Your Inbound Performance

Uberflip Analytics for Inbound Marketing

The purpose of inbound marketing is to create high converting content experiences. However, it’s difficult to justify the amount of time and effort it takes to achieve these results without looking at the data to see if your efforts are actually working. In order to prove value,  you need to measure and analyze the results of your Hub, streams, and CTAs on a regular basis. That’s where Uberflip Analytics can help!

Uberflip Analytics provides you with the most important metrics to measure inbound performance so you can justify your marketing programs to the rest of the organization.  

This article will focus on five metrics to monitor, why they are important, and how to use Uberflip Analytics to get this data.

1. Visitors

The Visitors tally is basic but critical.

If the number of visitors is increasing, then the potential audience for your content is increasing—creating more opportunities to convert leads and win business. You should also pay attention to whether your visitors are new visitors or repeat visitors. Both are required because you want to have visitors coming back for new content and have a steady stream of new visitors to grow your audience. 

Visitors in Uberflip Analytics

Start in the Home Dashboard by looking at the summary metrics to get a quick snapshot of unique visitors. This number tells you the total number of unique visitors to your Hub(s) in the past seven days. You can look at the graph below to understand how this changes over time. Ask:

  • What trends are you seeing?
  • Are they positive or negative?
  • Do any specific events come to mind that can help explain this trend? 

Pro Tip: Use filters to segment this data for a more relevant analysis. Areas you may want to look at include segmenting by geography or device type to see how behavior changes. 

2. Traffic Source

Traffic Source tells you where your visitors are coming from and is a good indicator of how your search engine optimization efforts are performing. 

Traffic Sources in Uberflip Analytics 

Start in the Visitor Acquisition Dashboard and look at the summary widget for most visitors. This number tells you where most of your traffic is coming from. Ask: Does this source make sense based on your marketing programs? Look at the engagement graph to see the top five sources and their recent performance from an engagement and conversion perspective.  

The Detailed Item list is also helpful because it provides a complete picture of all your traffic sources and how they are performing. Look at what sources are driving the most number of visits. These are sources that are worth putting more effort into as they are driving more quality traffic to your Hub.

Pro Tip: Look at the difference between new and return visitors by each source. Are some sources causing people to come back? If yes, it may be worth investing in them more.

3. Call-To-Action Conversions

Call-to-action conversions measures the percentage of prospects who take a desired action when they reach your Hub. This metric tells you how well you are doing with traffic coming to your site. It tells you how well your funnel is working, and where it is underperforming.

CTA Conversions in Uberflip Analytics

Start in the Home Acquisition Dashboard to see your overall form and link CTA conversion rates. Do the numbers meet your expectations? Next, look at the graph to see how conversion rates change over time in relation to overall traffic and views. Ask yourself: What is the general trend?

Move to the Form and Link CTA dashboards. These allow you get more detail on how the specific aspects of a CTA are performing. It is broken out into three parts: 

Impressions: How many times your CTA appears

Activations: How many times a visitor clicked into the CTA

Submissions: Number of times a visitor successfully submitted or clicked on the CTA 

Look at the conversion rates among the three components. A high number of impressions and activations, but low submissions means that something is causing your visitors not to submit—investigate the fields or the order as some may not be relevant or you may be asking for too much information. A low number of impressions may be due to where the CTA is placed and how many streams It’s active on. Investigate to see if there are opportunities to improve. Ultimately, you want to strive to continuously increase conversion rates in order to get the most number of leads. 

Pro Tip: Look at the conversion rate performance of each CTA on a monthly basis. Are some CTAs outperforming others? Why is this the case? Look at the copy, design, and other elements along with where it is placed to continuously optimize and drive better results.

4. Pages Per Session

Pages Per Session shows you how many pages each visitor views during one session on your website. This statistic allows you to see how engaged your visitors are with your website. 

A higher pages per session rate indicates your website visitors are interested in the content of your website. Greater interest leads to a greater chance of getting that conversion. 

You’re All Set: Now It’s time to continuously get better!

If you’re like most marketers, you’re constantly trying to drive better performance from your inbound strategy. Using these metrics as part of your analysis will help you make better data-driven decisions and improve results over time! 

For more information and other tips, speak to your Uberflip Customer Success Manager. 

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