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Use account insights to run a campaign

As we know, there are many types of campaigns we can run throughout the buyer journey. Whether you’re running target and awareness campaigns early in the funnel, or 1:1 campaigns targeting specific accounts or individuals to move them from consideration towards decision, or post-sale account engagement, Uberflip can help. Using Uberflip, you can efficiently and effectively engage your audience at each of these stages with different tactics and platform features.

Executing a campaign using the 5 pillars

The following playbook walks through the steps in Uberflip to execute an effective campaign with enriched account-specific data

  1. Plan

    The first is the planning step. Using Uberflip Analytics, we’ll dig into our account insights to determine a target audience for our campaign.

  2. Curate

    Once we have the audience specified, we’ll determine what we want to show them. We’ll review our content and select items that align with the targeted account segment and stage. This is also the time to figure out if we need any new content created to help convey the right message.

  3. Design

    Once we’ve nailed down what we want to show this target audience, the next step is to decide how we want to present it. We’ll design the experience and include a desired outcome.

  4. Publish

    When the experience is ready to go, we’ll publish it and add it to our channels with the appropriate UTM values. Part of this is deciding if we want the page to be also found organically via inbound or only through certain outbound channels.

  5. Measure

    Finally, once the campaign is running, we’ll want to check in on our analytics and see how it is performing, measuring account activity and content engagement to understand if they are showing interest and progression.

Now that we have the 5 steps down, let’s walk through the platform and go over exactly what each of these steps looks like in practice.

Step 1: Planning with Enriched Data

Account identification

Many of you have a treasure trove of data ready to be put to use and inform your marketing efforts.

With our newly launched enrichment feature now available across all four major marketing automation platforms - Marketo, Eloqua, Hubspot, and Pardot - we can use our enriched dashboards in Uberflip Analytics to narrow in on our audience and identify target accounts.

Here’s how to approach building an account list - a key part of the planning stage when looking to run a campaign targeting specific accounts or individuals. 

First, navigate to the Company Discovery dashboard - now enriched with intent data - to see which accounts are already engaging with your content.

Use the dashboard filters to narrow down the list by industry, revenue, country, and employee size to see who fits your ideal customer profile.

To get a complete list, make your way down to the Company (IP) Summary widget at the bottom of this dashboard. 

From here, you can start analyzing the list of accounts to determine which ones are worth adding to a campaign. You can either do this analysis easily right here in Uberflip Analytics, or if you prefer to work in a spreadsheet, you can download this data by clicking on the three dots in the top right of the widget (select download data).

To make sure you’re extracting all rows, switch the advanced data options to as displayed in data table, unformatted, and custom.

You can do the same process as above with the Companies dashboard.

The Companies dashboard is enriched with companies that have been profiled in your marketing automation platform (MAP), whether they converted on an UF form, a form on your website, or clicked through a MAP generated email. As long as the MAP knows who the cookie belongs to, their data will pull into this dashboard to enrich the engagement activity.

Use the filters at the top of this dashboard to narrow down the results, and using the Companies Detail widget at the bottom of this dashboard, conduct the account analysis, either right there in Uberflip Analytics or by downloading the data into a spreadsheet.

Funnel stage analysis

Now let’s try to place the accounts at the proper stage in the funnel. What does their engagement say about where they are in their journey and how we want to engage them going forward?

Let’s start by looking at the intent data and run through some examples.

FusionFocus has been engaged with our content for 209 days (the number of days between their earliest session and most recent session) so they’ve known about us for a while. Looking at their sessions and item engagement in the last 30 days, they’ve shown interest in 3 items over 3 sessions. We’ll want to look at that activity more specifically to understand what they engaged in, but based on their profile and level of engagement, they are likely in the consideration phase and might be a good candidate for 1:1 outreach.

InifinityImpulse has been only engaged for about 9 days however when they were engaged, they consumed 15 items over 9 sessions. They may be moving along quickly and therefore we may want to help them along with a 1:1 outreach or add them to a nurture cadence. Again, we’ll want to look at what items they consumed to get an idea of where they are in their journey.

Lastly, many of these accounts have only engaged with one or two items in the last 30 days. This likely means that they’re new to our solution and still in the awareness phase. A best practice here would be to add these target accounts to a 1:many brand awareness campaign, to educate them on the value of our solution.

In the same way that we analyzed the Company Discovery intent data above, we’ll do the same with the Companies MAP data. In addition to looking at sessions and items, you’ll also want to check out how many contacts from that company have been engaged.

For example, QuantumQuest has had 64 sessions where 4 contacts consumed 22 items in the last 30 days. This seems like a highly engaged account that we’ll want to look into further and potentially do a 1:1 outreach on.

QuantumQuirk on the other hand has had 6 sessions and only 1 item consumed by 1 contact in the last 30 days. This type of account we might want to add to a 1:many outreach.

By cross-referencing the Company Discovery intent data with the Companies MAP data, you can get a more complete picture of your engaged audience.

Now let’s look into their content and contact engagement data to get an even better sense of where these accounts fall in the funnel and what kind of campaigns would best engage them.

Back in the Company Discovery and Companies dashboards, you can find the account using the dashboard filters. From the summary widget at the bottom where we had exported the data, you can look into what content that specific company has been consuming by right clicking on the items’ number and selecting Show All. Here you’ll see what content the account has looked at and how engaged they were.

Would these content pieces be considered awareness, consideration, or decision content?

For example, if the target account only looked at a few blog posts, they are likely earlier in the funnel, whereas if they’re looking at case studies and an interactive demo, then they are likely further along in the consideration or closer to the decision stage.

The same drill down can be done into contacts at those accounts using the Companies dashboard. If you filter the dashboard by company name, not only can you look into the content they are consuming by clicking on the items, but you can also click on the contacts to see who exactly is engaging.

Are the contacts aligned with your ideal target personas that could influence or make a decision? If so, use this information to build out a contact targeting list for your campaign.

Using these enriched analytic insights, not only can you create custom lists targeting specific accounts or individuals, but you can feel confident launching campaigns with a better sense of where these accounts are in the funnel and what kind of content will best engage them.

Step 2: Curate Using Account Level Data

Content selection

Now that we have our account list, we are now ready to curate our content to further engage those accounts.

Let’s use FusionFocus again as our example. They engaged with content aligned with the consideration stage, over the past 200 days. We feel pretty confident that they know who we are and what we do and are now evaluating whether we are the right solution for their needs.

Looking back at the content they engaged with, we can more easily align on the next wave of content to showcase that will effectively move them down the funnel. We’ll choose those items and curate them into a marketing stream for FusionFocus.

Content performance

To make sure we’re selecting the best pieces of content for this audience, we can also look at the item performance. Which pieces are getting the best engagement from your target audience and will have the biggest impact? Use past item analytics to inform your future outreach efforts.

Fill content gaps

In some cases, as you are searching through your content for the right pieces, you might notice that you have some gaps. If this is the case, you’ll want to work with your content team to create items that will help nurture and progress the accounts in their journey.

Step 3: Design personalized destinations

Create account pages (1:1)

Once you have your content all nailed down for your target audience of specific accounts or individuals, the next step is to design the campaign destination.

Again if we’re looking to engage FusionFocus, we’ll create a page with the content we curated for this account. The page also includes personalization for the account, using their logo and company name, as well as a call to action to book a demo as the next step in their journey.

Once you have one of these pages built for an account, it’s as easy as duplicating the page for your other accounts and switching out the content and personalization elements for each account.

Once you have that first base built, it is incredibly easy to pump out personalized pages for specific target accounts. We have customers that have cut their account based marketing (ABM) launch time down from months to days using Uberflip, which is a huge success when you want to catch the accounts at the right time and remain agile.

Create account pages (1:many)

If you’re looking to target a specific group of accounts as part of a demand generation campaign, you can create awareness and consideration pages specific for the segmented accounts.

Once you add in relevant content that’s been curated for that segment at the appropriate buying stage, you can send many accounts to one page to browse and learn on their own terms.

In this case, we created an awareness page for targeted software companies, which included our company overview video, awareness level content, and a CTA to join our next webinar on the topic. The goal of this page would be to help educate our audience on how we are able to help solve their pain points.

This page would then be used within BDR outreach, or a marketing nurture email series, or as part of a larger campaign destination.

Step 4: Publish

Domain and index options

This one is simple - decide what domain you want to publish it to and whether or not you want it indexed by search engines.

For accounts you want to target 1:1, you’ll want to keep the “Hide from search engines” box checked. Once published you can add the UTM values to the link and use in your 1:1 outreach, while the page stays private to those who do not have the link.

For accounts you want to target 1:few or many, decide if you want the page to be something people can also find organically by search engines, unchecking the “Hide from search engines” box if so. Again, once published, remember to add the UTM values to the link.

Step 5: Measure Account Specific Insights

Page engagement

The final step is to measure the performance of your campaign.

A great place to start is looking at the Page Performance dashboard in Uberflip Analytics. Filter the dashboard down using the page name filter and see how visitors are engaging with your page. 

Account engagement

The Company Discovery and Companies dashboards are also great to filter down on and see who engaged with your page, what they engaged in, and how engaged they were. Leverage this insight to hone your approach and planning. For example, are there any accounts we want to progress to a consideration nurture or give to our BDR or sales team for 1:1 engagement?

Stream content engagement

In addition to understanding the page and account engagement you’re receiving, you’ll also want to look at the stream performance to understand what content that you’ve curated is getting engagement. 

You can either find this in the analytics tab, or by clicking into the stream editor and navigating to the stream performance tab as seen here. Looking at the FusionFocus stream for example, this should give us a good understanding of where their interest lies and where they are in their journey.

This data can tell you a lot about where the audience is in their journey and how to target them next, taking us back to the plan step. You can see how this becomes a flywheel, as you continue the process over and over again to help accelerate the pipeline.


Whether you’re doing full-blown account-based marketing (ABM), targeting some of your campaign efforts to specific accounts or individuals, or looking to do more 1:1 outreach to engaged accounts, this playbook is for you. Using the features we covered above, your team can be agile at every stage of the journey, across any type of campaign. Give it a try and connect with your CSM to brainstorm your next campaign.