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Introducing a new, account-focused Share Activity page

We're excited to introduce incredible new capabilities now available in Sales Assist!

The Share Activity page got a facelift!

On the heals of the last release that introduced an account-focused analytics dashboard for admins, the new Share Activity page defaults on a new "accounts" tab which offers much of the same insights, but for individual sales reps.

As a rep you can now see your shares in a whole new way, showcasing how many accounts you've engaged with, how many people within and the number of sessions (how many times they came back!) for a selected date range. 

Updated Events Tab

The events tab also received a facelift. You can now easily scroll through all people and toggle on/off the events within each person. The number of sessions will also display clearly so you'll know if this person is a repeat visitor.

In addition, the Stream specific share activity received the same updates. And you'll now also see account-level stats on individual Item stats. 

Admins will also notice a few small changes to the new Analytics dashboard:

  • "Items" is now referred to as "Pages" as it includes both Item and Stream page views
  • # of Sessions has been added to the table

About the Author

Yoav Schwartz is a co-founder of Uberflip and spent 11 years as CEO where he drove the mission, vision, and goals of the company.

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