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Weekly performance emails and new embed options in Sales Assist

We're excited to introduce incredible new capabilities now available in Sales Assist!

Weekly performance emails for admins

You may have noticed (if you're an admin for your organization) that every Monday morning you've received a new email in your inbox outlining how your team performed the previous week.


This includes a new engagement score which is calculated as follows:
(avg_people/7) + (avg_items/11) + avg_time

This is based on fundamental principle that an average account takes about 7 people to engage, who consume on average around 11 pieces of content. The time spent is a bonus :)
The benchmark is calculated across all accounts, excluding outliers, for the past 7 days. Your account's score is calculated the same way.

note: you can unsubscribe from this email at any time by visiting the "edit profile" section of the app (again, only applicable to admins).

New embed options: include logos

We all know that the first step in engaging your prospects or buyers is getting them to actually click that beautiful embed you emailed them. 2 new embed options allow you to include logos. 

In order to leverage this, you'll need to make sure your Hub has a "Hub Thumbnail" image set in the main Uberflip application in your Hub's Appearance > Branding > Images section (last image in the list). 

The "Banner Image with Logos" option will only display when sharing a Sales Stream and both the "Hub Thumbnail" is set and the Stream has a prospect logo set. It also requires that a banner image exist for the Stream since the image used here is the Stream's banner image (optimized for sharing).

Please note: this option is "experimental". It leverages background images which are not supported by all email clients. But if it appears properly after you paste chances are good your recipient will see the same results. The only difference if background images are not supported is that the Stream's background color will display as a backdrop to the logos.

The "Image and Text" option is actually not new, but it will be augmented by including logos when available and omitting the Stream description below the title.  Give it a try! 

Also important to note, if you leverage the custom share image feature from our last release, it will override both the options' respective images.

Curious how different embed options perform? 

You may have noticed that a new query string parameter has been added to each URL (&embed=xxxxx). This will allow you to track the different embed types your team is using in Uberflip Analytics or any other analytics tool you use.

For reference, here are the possible values:

  • embed=banner-image-logos
  • embed=image-text
  • embed=tile
  • embed=text
  • embed=link

Want to learn more about Sales Assist? Request a demo today! 

About the Author

Yoav Schwartz is a co-founder of Uberflip and spent 11 years as CEO where he drove the mission, vision, and goals of the company.

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